Jan 18 – 20, 2023
Synchrotron SOLEIL
Europe/Paris timezone

The 17th SOLEIL Users' Conference will be held from Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th, January 2023, on site if the sanitary conditions allow it.

  • The 2 plenary lectures will deal with different aspects related to synchrotron sources use:
  1. Biology and Health,
  2. Surfaces/Interfaces/Electronic properties

Scientific communications will be presented during parallel sessions, selected from submitted abstracts (deadline for submission: November 21th, 2022).

  • A round table will take place on Friday 20th at SOLEIL : 

"Data Analysis Management"

  • Three tutorials will be organized.

The first tutorial, on Wednesday 18th, 2023 (14:00 - 17:00), will be dedicated to the basic functions of the software and concerns the users who want to discover XAS data treatment and / or the new software developed by the SAMBA beamline - Part II. 

The second tutorial, on Friday 20th, 2023 (14:00 - 17:00), will present the advanced functionalities of the software (Chemometry, PCA, ...) - Part II. All users (beginners as well as confirmed) can attend this session.

The third tutorial on Friday 20th, 2023 (14:00 - 17:00), will present Tricks and Tips in using Micro-beams for Crystallography Experiments  (PROXIMA 2A).

This invaluable forum for the synchrotron radiation users’ community will provide the opportunity to exchange and learn about the evolution of the machine and the beamlines. It will be also the occasion to share scientific, technical and practical issues about the synchrotron radiation use.

Therefore, we propose you to register.


  • Oral contributions (Parallel Sessions): Closed
  • Other contributions (Posters / Invited talks): January 3rd, 2023
  • Registration (limited to 180 participants): January 3rd, 2023
Synchrotron SOLEIL