26–28 Feb 2024
Batiment Principal
Europe/Paris timezone

Exploring the reactivity of ytterbium – stabilized Pd(IV) alkyl species

28 Feb 2024, 11:40
Principal/0-0 - Salle Amphitheatre (Batiment Principal)

Principal/0-0 - Salle Amphitheatre

Batiment Principal

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Oral Lanthanides et actinides Jour 3


Linda De Marchi (IP Paris - Ecolé Polytechnique)


Palladium-mediated transformations are dominated by Pd ()0 and Pd(II) species, whereas the reactivity of higher oxidation states such as Pd(III) and Pd(IV) are far less explored because of the low accessibility and stability of these species.[1]
Herein, we present the synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of a novel Pd(IV) - alkyl complex.
The stabilization of the Pd(IV) species through the Yb – bipyrimidine fragment [2, 3] gives rise to a complex (1) considerably more stable than its precursors (t1/2 ≈ 11 h, 20°C) allowing the study of its reactivity. The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the reactivity of high-oxidation states Pd species showing their possible applications in redox transformations. We are particularly interested in the photochemistry of the stable Pd(IV) species and several examples will be presented.

Primary author

Linda De Marchi (IP Paris - Ecolé Polytechnique)


Dr Angus G. C. Shepard (Ecolé Polytechnique) Prof. Grégory Nocton (Ecolé Polytechnique) Dr Luca Demonti (Ecolé Polytechnique) Dr Maxime Tricoire (EPFL)

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