Jan 22 – 23, 2024
Batiment Principal
Europe/Paris timezone


A limited number of rooms are available on-site at SOLEIL's Guest House. You may book a room when registering for the PaN meeting, an option is available on the online form.

A financial contribution of 33 € / night (including VAT) is required to partially cover accommodation expenses.
It does not include breakfast.

This contribution is paid by the non-subsidized user, during the stay, on presentation of an invoice by the Guest House manager (from Monday to Friday 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 / on Saturday and Sunday 10:00-12:00).

In case of No-Show, the 1st night will be due and the next nights cancelled (unless user contrary request).

Terms of payment:
- Credit Card
- Cheques (FR)
- Cash (EU)

For any questions, you can ask to the Guest House Manager from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 13:00 to 17:30, and on the Week-end from 9:00 to 13:00.

Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 35 82 00
E-mail : hebergement@synchrotron-soleil.fr


  • Arrival and departure


As far it is possible, the check in has to be done after 15:00.

The day of departure, you must checkout no later than 12:00 in order to allow the cleaning of the room.

If necessary, you can leave your luggage at the reception desk for few hours.


Outside opening hours and if the manager is not available, please contact the Reception at SOLEIL Guard room (Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 35 91 22).


For more information consult their webpage