May 11 – 13, 2022
Europe/Paris timezone
STAT-IR 6 2022, will be held online from Wednesday May 11th to Friday May 13th, 2022.

The SMIS beamline organizes the sixth edition of its infrared microspectroscopy data analysis course STAT-IR 6 2022 that will be held online from Wednesday, May 11 to Friday, May 13 2022.

Link for access to the conference on the event website: STAT-IR6 website

The course is aimed at past and future users of the beamline and  will be entirely free of charge.

The language course will be English. The course will deal with the main multivariate statistical analysis techniques such as principal component analysis, multivariate regression techniques and machine learning methods such as artificial neural networks and cluster analyses. Preprocessing and imaging techniques will also be taught. The training will be held with the open-source software Quasar.


Click below to access to the Teams meeting:
STAT-IR 6 Multivariate Analysis of IR Microspectroscopy Data


For further information, please contact: