May 11 – 12, 2023
Batiment Principal
Europe/Paris timezone

The Beamline Jockey Days are a series of events in which scientists, engineers and technicians working at synchrotron tomography beamlines in Europe have been meeting since 2018 at facilities around the continent.

These informal workshops allow participants to freely exchange on technical matters, potential areas of common interest, challenges encountered etc. The focus is on direct communication and knowledge transfer on the operational level.

SOLEIL is happy to host the first face-to-face meeting of this kind after COVID-related interruptions and video-only meetings.
It will take place at the SOLEIL site in Saint-Aubin (Essonne, France) on Thursday 11 and Friday 12, May 2023 (two half-days).

As agreed among the participants of the last BLJ Days, the focus topic this time will be "Image quality and resolution control".

Registration is mandatory but free of charge. All travel costs, including accommodation at the SOLEIL guest house and meals, are at the participant's expense. 

The price of a night at the SOLEIL guest house is 33,00€ (VAT included).


- Oral contributions : submissions are closed
- Registrations: registration is closed

Batiment Principal
Principal/0-0 - Salle Amphitheatre
Synchrotron SOLEIL
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