We have the pleasure of inviting you to Synchrotron SOLEIL and Sorbonne University (Paris) to join the Science at FELs conference, on June 17-19, 2024 and the Forum on Advanced FEL Techniques immediately after, June 20-21, 2024. After the previous successful meeting in Hamburg and the exciting new developments and results from these extraordinary light sources, we are looking forward to a fascinating and informative conference. The meeting will include the hottest new results, of course, but also tutorials on the operation and uses of FEL radiation along with possible tours of relevant accelerator and laser-based sources in the Paris-Saclay area.

The one and a half day “Forum on Advanced FEL Techniques”, aiming to bring together FEL experts and FEL users, will take place right after the main conference, from 20-21 June 2024.

The 2024 Olympic Games will take place in Paris between the end of July and mid-August 2024. To make sure you get accommodation at the best rate make your booking early. 


Deadlines Registration: 

  • PhD Student / Post doc fee waiver application (March 11th, 2024): closed
  • FELs of Europe Award application (March 15th, 2024): closed
  • Registration (April 15th, 2024): closed
  • Late Registration (May 13th,  2024: closed


Deadlines Contribution:

  • Oral communication (March 25th, 2024): closed
  • Invited talk and poster (May 13th, 2024): closed


Science@FELs 2024 website 

FELs of EUROPE website 



For further information, please contact: conf-scienceatfels2024@synchrotron-soleil.fr