Oct 18 – 20, 2023
Synchrotron SOLEIL
Europe/Paris timezone



Synchrotron SOLEIL
L'Orme des Merisiers
Départementale 128
91190 Saint-Aubin

GPS coordinates:

Latitude : 48.7128003
Longitude :  2.1479529
On D128 crossroad, at the Orme des Merisiers

How to reach SOLEIL

Please check RATP (Link RATP)

With public transport

From PARIS and CHARLES-DE-GAULLE Airport, RER B direction to SAINT-RÉMY-LÈS-CHEVREUSE and stop at:

"LE GUICHET" station - walk to the bus station, take bus n°9, direction to SACLAY, or during disruptions due to road work, bus n°91-06 direction to SAINT-QUENTIN GARE, stop at "L’ORME DES MERISIERS";

"GIF SUR YVETTE" station, take bus n° 10, stop at "SAINT AUBIN"; or bus n° 11, direction PARC ORSAY UNIVERSITE, stop at "L'ORME DES MERISIERS";

"MASSY-PALAISEAU" station - take bus n°91-06 B ou C direction to SAINT-QUENTIN GARE, stop at “L’ORME DES MERISIERS”
From ORLY Airport - ORLYVAL train, stop at ANTONY, take the RER B (then same as above) or BUS n°91-10 direction "Christ / N306, Saclay", stop at "L'ORME DES MERISIERS" (around 1h - end of service at 9 p.m).

Bus tickets: It is advised to buy bus tickets in advance at any main metro/RER station.