Dima El Khechen
(Karlsruhe Institute for Technology)
The cSTART project aims to demonstrate the injection of electron beams like from a Laser Plasma Accelerator (LPA) and storage of very short bunches in a very large acceptance storage ring. It will use the linac-based test facility FLUTE as a main injector at early phase and Laser plasma injectors (LPA) later. The combination and range of special beam parameters like low bunch charge (down to 1 pC) and ultra-short bunches (about 10 fs), in addition to the compact design of the arc sections, make it challenging to find commercially off-the-shelf beam diagnostics. In this presentation, I will illustrate the main challenges of the project from the beam diagnostics point of view and elaborate on each system.
Primary author
Dima El Khechen
(Karlsruhe Institute for Technology)