The cSTART project aims to demonstrate the injection of electron beams like from a Laser Plasma Accelerator (LPA) and storage of very short bunches in a very large acceptance storage ring. It will use the linac-based test facility FLUTE as a main injector at early phase and Laser plasma injectors (LPA) later. The combination and range of special beam parameters like low bunch charge (down to 1...
As of September 30th, 2023, the upgrade to the SLS storage ring has commenced. Some of the SLS diagnostics will be integrated with modifications to satisfy the requirements of SLS 2.0, including changes to their quantity, specifications, and technical implementations. Additionally, new diagnostics systems will be installed that have been tested at the SLS. After providing an update on the...
The feasibility of using X-ray Fresnel Diffractometry to measure small beam sizes beyond the resolution of the X-ray pinhole cameras is studied. X-ray Fresnel diffractometry employs a single slit with optimised width that produces a double lobe diffraction pattern. The visibility of this double lobe intensity distribution relates to the beam size and promises micron-scale beam size...
In the frame of SOLEIL-II, we have attempted preliminary tests on SOLEIL-I of low vertical emittance measurements based on the standard pinhole camera imaging system. However, we rapidly faced an unexpected issue: the perturbation of the measurement by some "filaments". It seems that those filaments are due to a parasitic phase contrast imaging induced by our UHV Aluminium window. We will...
Techniques to increase and/or control the vertical emittance are necessary in current and future machine. Different techniques are used in different machines (white noise, side band excitation, coupling resonant excitation) with different results.
I would like to open a discussion on the methods and the coupling strength and beam centroid stability obtained in each machine.